Hehehe! I'm a happy (rather happy lah) girl these 2 days!
1. It's the weekends = break from mundane work! :D
2. No piano lesson in the morning at 7.30am :X = can wake up a LIL later! (:
3. Ate my ah ma's dumpling! :D :D :D yummy ttm! (:
4. Found cheap cheap jigsaw puzzle, and fixed with linc! The quality of the puzzle is very lousy though lol! But can't complain, cos it's really cheap. hehe! It's not complete though, shall try to complete it tmr (:
5. Went to kajiao cherie at T3 and ate popeye's there! The queue was horrendously long!! But worth queuing though hehe!
6. I've learnt a new way of folding aeroplane! (: It's kinda cool hehe!
7. Caught up a little with nic! Talking to her now. Damn funny LOL.
8. Went exploring with linc in the morning!
9. Went wc's hse to mahjong in the afternoon together with bx and sc! Played dong nan xi bei. Wah super tiringgggggggg!~ Fun though XP Bballed at night! Super fun hehe!
10. Caught up a little (really very little) with yang yu! Can't talk much cos he got to go back camp ): Probably meeting him on fri to catch up! :D Haven't meet up/talk to him in ages!
Wheee, 10 things to be happy about this weekend. Quite a fulfilling one (: Andy is coming to stayover tmr hehehe! So fun to disturb him! XD And sigh sigh, it' back to monday tmr! Monday blueees~ Work is sian :X